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ALIEN ANAL 12.13.2006 08:31 AM

Soy Your Gay

I know there are a few gay people on this board, so lets discuss this

cryptowonderdruginvogue 12.13.2006 09:10 AM

kids that drink soy milk have no balls


Alex's Trip 12.13.2006 09:23 AM

My speech teacher told us about that.

I never eat soy though, so it isn't the only cause.

Thomas Moronic 12.15.2006 05:25 AM

I don't like Soy milk.

SynthethicalY 12.15.2006 05:26 AM

I loathe Soy Milk

Thomas Moronic 12.15.2006 05:46 AM

I'm trying to work out which food did turn me gay though.

k-krack 12.15.2006 10:12 AM

This is retarculous. No two ways about it. I eat soy/tofu/soy milk like a motherfucker from hell, and I ain't no nancy-boy. I think maybe the fucktard that wrote this article has a certain something against good food.

ploesj 12.15.2006 11:15 AM

i've had a lactose allergy when i was a kid so i'm actually raised on soy milk.. i don't have any health problems except for some allergies, i'm not obese or have anything that guy describes :P my brothers are also raised on soy milk and they are absolutely straight.

sonikold 12.15.2006 03:48 PM

oh god, we wouldn't want to allow our feminine sides to be exposed! we're men's men, dammit! no queer soy milk for us!

what a load of consevative shit. yeah, you shouldn't give your baby soy milk, but not because it's going to make him gay. GENETICS makes you gay. i'm more worried about all the artificial hormones in the water supply. estrogen isn't really bad for you, but excess levels of tetosterone actually KILL YOUR BRAIN CELLS! maybe our society would improve a bit if we raised our estrogen levels, eh? maybe we wouldn't act like fucking cavemen as much.

Anngella 12.15.2006 07:54 PM

My lesbian friend loves soy milk. I had some of it and it's really not that bad. Chocolate is great <3

Savage Clone 12.15.2006 08:27 PM

Almond milk is slightly superior in my experience.
Rice milk is OK, but rice milk ice cream pales in comparison to soy or oat-based ice cream-style treats.

k-krack 12.15.2006 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Anngella
My lesbian friend loves soy milk. I had some of it and it's really not that bad. Chocolate is great <3

Chocolate soy milk is rad. Normal soy milk is usually mediocre...

sonikold 12.16.2006 12:26 AM

unsweetened soy is way better than shitty sweetener flavor. chocolate soy milk is way too addictive. and i tried almond milk last week, it was damn tasty.

tip: never boil soy milk. it turns into some weird plasticy goop...

8=======================D 12.16.2006 01:19 PM

soy milk is strange thing for me. i never understand where soy have tits.

king_buzzo 12.16.2006 06:47 PM

soy sucks balls, it makes you fart

Norma J 12.16.2006 06:52 PM

I eat/drink anything soy. I'm not camp.

Drinking cows milk is actually alot more fucking disgusting then drinking beans.

Read all about it.

against_the_grain 12.16.2006 07:12 PM


Cow's milk !!!! :)

Norma J 12.16.2006 07:21 PM


Dear Friends,

Pus is not dangerous. Pus is rather delicious, especially when it's mixed with sugar and frozen, or bubbly hot atop marinara sauce and pizza. Fermented pus with acidophilus bacteria makes for a tasty breakfast, especially if jellied fruit preserves are mixed in. I used to enjoy Dannon's pus, but Brown Cow makes a brand where the saturated fat rises to the surface. Now, that's 'hearty' food!

Many of my dairy-producing adversaries get upset when I reveal that milk is merely pus with hormones. Ten pounds of milk are used to make one pound of cheese. Cheese is concentrated pus.

Jim Dickrell's story in the March, 2001 issue of Dairy Today asks:
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has a milk ordinance governing milk safety. USDA does not allow milk containing 750 million or more pus cells per liter to be shipped across state borders. That should be good news to milk drinkers.

Last year, the average liter of milk in America contained only 323 million pus cells, according to Hoard's Dairyman, the dairy industry magazine. Author Jim Dickrell reports that the level of pus cells has been rising ever since farmers began using Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone. Before approval (February 1994), the average pus cell count in milk was under 300 million cells per liter. By 1996, that average count had reached 307 million. In 1997, the average count was 313 million, and by 1998, the number had reached 318 million.

Researchers working for the National Mastitis Council define normal and abnormal milk based on the number of pus cells. According to Dickrell's story, the concentration of pus cells in "normal milk" is almost always less than 100 million cells per liter.

The number of pus cells in milk is an indicator of the state of health of the mammary glands and udders in cows. Stressed and infected cows have cell counts above 100 million. What does that say for the average milk in America? Not very healthy, even by dairy industry standards.
According to this article:
"When cell counts in milk exceed 200 (million per liter), the odds favor that the [udder] is infected or is recovering from infection."
The dairy magazine reports:
"Abnormal milk will be discolored and have flakes, clots or other gross alterations in appearance."

Gross is certainly an appropriate word to describe pus-filled milk with clots. This analyses of mastitis researchers reveals:
"At 400 (million) cells per liter, some 35% of cows will be infected."
This means that approximately one-third of the cows being milked at any one time in America are stressed and infected. Milk from these cows contains large amounts of bacteria, virus, and pus. As a consequence, farmers must treat their herds with increased amounts of antibiotics. Pam Ruegg, a University of Wisconsin mastitis researcher, examined more than one million records, and concluded that the higher the herd's pus cell count, the greater the risk of antibiotic residues in milk.

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