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porkmarras 12.14.2006 06:56 AM

David Tibet curates festival in Donau, Austria
I am ecstatic to announce I have been invited to curate a festival in Donau, Austria on Friday 20 April and Saturday 21 April, 2007. I am even more ecstatic to announce that many of my heroes will be playing.
The following groups have confirmed they will be appearing; there will also be DJs after the last show on each night so people can twist. More information will be posted as soon as we have it. Schedule details and tickets will be available from next month on the official website for the festival

jon boy 12.14.2006 07:30 AM


A Thousand Threads 12.14.2006 09:11 AM

cool dude, i´ll be there for sure.
Nurse With Wound, yeah
Current 93 ,hell yeah

Last year i was at the Donaufestival in Korneuburg, it was a blast.
How did you come to this honour?

porkmarras 12.14.2006 09:16 AM

ha.The message is from Tibet himself.

sonicl 12.14.2006 09:17 AM

There's a lot of good artists there. Larsen alone would be enough to get me there, if it wasn't so bloody far away.

A Thousand Threads 12.14.2006 09:20 AM

oh man.
sorry i´m dumb. i thought you are david tibet.
but your name is david, right?
or am i completly fucked up?

A Thousand Threads 12.14.2006 09:24 AM

isn´t David Tibet in Current 93?

porkmarras 12.14.2006 09:27 AM

Yes,i'm David Tibet and i'm in Current 93.Problems?

A Thousand Threads 12.14.2006 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Yes,i'm David Tibet and i'm Current 93.Problems?

no sir,
everthing fine, i just realized that i´d really need a bed and some sleep.

_slavo_ 12.14.2006 09:53 AM

you need a bong.

_slavo_ 12.14.2006 09:53 AM

But anyway, it's gonna be dark next year...NWW, Cyclobe, Current 93....

A Thousand Threads 12.14.2006 09:54 AM

that would make it worse

o o o 12.14.2006 09:59 AM

i have some (rather distant) family in Krems, i remember spending a week-end there (and in the Wachau valley) and there was a summer festival, but it was more about drinking the new white wine... certainly would have been better with those bands.

perhaps in April it's already warm enough to bathe in the Danube...

A Thousand Threads 02.01.2007 08:49 AM

hooray, UPDATE

Current 93, Nurse With Wound, Bonnie Prince Billy, Cyclobe, Matmos feat. Jay Lesser, Marc Almond, Baby Dee, Om, Pantaleimon, Simon Finn, Julia Kent, Little Annie & Paul Wallfish, Fovea Hex, Larsen feat. Johann Johannsson, Six Organs Of Admittance, Hush Arbors, Khan und JG Thirlwell….


_slavo_ 02.01.2007 08:57 AM

I'd love to see bonnie prince billy, six organs of admittance and probably Matmos.

Other that that, I'm not interested.

I won't probably see you there this year, Christoph.

A Thousand Threads 02.01.2007 09:05 AM

slow down, man.
This is only one of three weekends.
I´m sure there will be something for you, too

but damn,
i really like the line-up for this weekend so far.

Tokolosh 02.01.2007 09:09 AM

That's a great lineup. I'm seriously thinking of going.

_slavo_ 02.01.2007 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by A Thousand Threads
slow down, man.
This is only one of three weekends.
I´m sure there will be something for you, too

but damn,
i really like the line-up for this weekend so far.

you sure you ain't got nothing mixed up, mate?

so many artists for one weekend only?

nah, I don't think so. :)

A Thousand Threads 02.01.2007 09:18 AM

yeah, you´re right
it seems a bit too much
"Yes, we have succeeded: David Tibet will curate a project as “artist in residence“, which will celebrate the world of the ingenious sound and word mystic with an amazing array of guest artists on April 20th and 21st. Among others with: Current 93, Nurse With Wound, Bonnie Prince Billy, Cyclobe, Matmos feat. Jay Lesser, Marc Almond, Baby Dee, Om, Pantaleimon, Simon Finn, Julia Kent, Little Annie & Paul Wallfish, Fovea Hex, Larsen feat. Johann Johannsson, Six Organs Of Admittance, Hush Arbors, Khan and JG Thirlwell….

Apart from a number of performances, art plays and media art, spectacular guests, legends and newcomers are expected…more to come soon…."

porkmarras 02.01.2007 09:27 AM

Lucky gits.Go and enjoy the pagan festivities.

Nef,it isn't so strange for Marc Almond to be on the line-up as he is a long term friend of Tibet and he also guests on their last abum.

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