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TheDom 04.13.2006 06:49 PM

The Marx Brothers
These guys are amazing. I could watch their films all day, everyday. Please, tell me there are some fans of them on this board.

This could also turn into a favorite Marx Brothers poll, so look out.

Kim C Not G 04.13.2006 08:04 PM

I lovvvee them. I have the boxset. I love how all different styles of humor are shown within them. Groucho is my favorite of course. His humor is so smooth and fast. If I were alive back in the day, I'd be one of the chicks hanging over him haha.

TheDom 04.13.2006 09:44 PM

Only 1 reply?? :(

I wish I had that box set. I've only seen Duck Soup and Horse Feathers, but those 2 are amazing. I don't even know how to explain it, it's just crazy.

noumenal 04.13.2006 09:48 PM

I've seen 2 or 3 of their movies - they're very funny. I should watch them again, it's been a few years.

Kim C Not G 04.13.2006 10:04 PM

Don't their movies kinda make you hate the comedy nowadays almost? Like how low we've become or something haha.

samrago 04.13.2006 10:59 PM

I saw this post and couldn't resist. who could forget that mirror dance in duck soup? magnificent!

Flen flyys 04.14.2006 12:31 AM

Oh man, I love the Marx Brothers, especially Graucho. It's strange, I'm not usually super into physical comedy, but there are times when Harpo has made me laugh out loud uncontrolably. I'm just a huge fan of all their movies. There's an old movie theater around where I live and they show Marx Brother's movies from time to time...I've only been to see 'A Night at the Opera' but it's great on the big screen in an old-timey theater.

dietzer123 04.14.2006 01:23 AM

they say a mans bestfriend outside of a dog is a book. inside of a dog it's too dark to read.

IntoTheGroovey 04.14.2006 01:51 AM

Duck Soup is gold. I've also seen the one where they're on a cruise ship or something and they keep piling a bunch of people into a cabin, can't remember the name of it.

TheDom 04.14.2006 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by IntoTheGroovey
Duck Soup is gold. I've also seen the one where they're on a cruise ship or something and they keep piling a bunch of people into a cabin, can't remember the name of it.

yeah, I found that clip on youtube!

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 04.14.2006 05:33 PM

I love the Marx brothers. Groucho is my favorite. I also love the musical numbers. They are very talented musicians. There is a scene, I think it is in a day at the races, where chico plays the piano, and then harpo takes the harp out of the piano and plays it. Great stuff.

Bertrand 04.15.2006 04:28 AM

They were so great & wild. How can Harpo burn so many books (was that in Soup?). Duck Soup is wonderful.
I used to be really fond of Harpo when I was young, then I found Groucho to be classier, and now & then I tend to favour Chico whose talk amazes me (taxes, taxis, Texas in Duck Soup).
A bit like Sonic Youth maybe - hard to pick the one who turns you on the most.
Lee with a moustache? Kim as Harpo? Thurston with a shapeless hat? Steve as Zeppo (or better, dressed as Margaret Dumont)?
Love it when Groucho sits on the dames lap, when he faces his fake reflections in Duck Soup, love it when Harpo bludgeons don't-know-who in Opera...
What I like is that they don't make any kind of pause for the audience to laugh, recover & start from all over again. They carry on their random cruelty.
(By the way "Carry On" was a series of English comedies I never saw, said to be terribly openly stupid).

Rob Instigator 04.17.2006 10:02 AM

I checked out all their movies from the library a few years back. great fucking anarchic stuff. I forward past the plot point shit when the marxes are not on screen though.
Harpo cracks me the fuck up ridiculous with his faces.


!@#$%! 04.17.2006 12:35 PM

i've seen a few of them and while i liked them they were not as funny as i expected

buster keaton however gives me bellyaches--

Rob Instigator 11.13.2012 02:48 PM

Buster Keaton is boring.

Pookie 11.13.2012 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Buster Keaton is boring.

True enough.

These three words alone are funnier than all of Buster Keaton's films put together:

Anything further father.

Rob Instigator 11.13.2012 03:06 PM

"I couldn't fool you on a piece of pipe, not a woman like you." - Groucho Marx

evollove 11.13.2012 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Buster Keaton is boring.

<-----No I'm not.

evollove 11.13.2012 03:12 PM

This is probably good enough to prove otherwise:

Anyway, I don't see the point in comparing a great silent comedian to a great comedy troupe (other than the films are in b&w and American).

By the way, HORSE FEATHERS often gets overlooked. It shouldn't. One of the Marxs' best.

Rob Instigator 11.13.2012 03:21 PM

Horse Feathers is awesome.

Their first 5-6 films work best as anarchy. after that the studios tried to make actual plot-driven drama films with the Marx Bros as comedic element.

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