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CHOUT 12.25.2006 12:16 AM

Fuck goodwill and togetherness - what did you get for xmas?
Phase 90
Small Clone
Simpsons episode guide book
Fender guitar book
alarm clock that displays the time on the ceiling
SY The Destroyed Room cd

k-krack 12.25.2006 12:22 AM

It's not christmas morning yet!

CHOUT 12.25.2006 12:26 AM

We've always opened most of our stuff xmas eve...

k-krack 12.25.2006 12:30 AM

I'd hate that! It kills the anticipation!

atsonicpark 12.25.2006 12:35 AM

castlevania symphony of the night
pavement wowee zowee deluxe

everyone should get some scissor shock for xmas.

CHOUT 12.25.2006 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by k-krack
I'd hate that! It kills the anticipation!

When you are a kid, there's plenty of anticipation before xmas anyway...

Alex's Trip 12.25.2006 12:55 AM

My parents always let me open one gift on Christmas eve. The gift is always pajamas.

So currently, I got:

Disney Pajamas (goofy)
$15 gift card to Barnes and Nobel (from a friend)

schizophrenicroom 12.25.2006 01:03 AM

from my grandparents (i always open their gifts when i have dinner with them on christmas eve), a pay-as-you-go phone to replace my good phone i lost

my dad: gift cards for american eagle, best buy, old navy, barnes and noble

my aunt: 50 buck check

mom: season one of the office

cryptowonderdruginvogue 12.25.2006 02:08 AM

my dad deposited $$$$ in my account, i guess that was nice of him
kinda wish he would've given it more thought
but, it was a nice amount so i shouldnt bitch
my mom bought me a dolce & gabbana corduroy blazer (best gift ever), an awesome paul smith shirt, and a pair of black salvatore ferragamo shoes
my sister got me 6 tshirts (these 4 are my favs)




my girlfriend is taking me out to dinner next week and she got a brazilian wax
my grandparents got me a gift certificate for neimans
my friends got me the little miss sunshine dvd, my morning jacket concert dvd, a couple of badass warhol prints, 3 bottles of goose, a bottle of patron, and a fucking DILDO (what the fuck?!)

Ripchord 12.25.2006 02:08 AM

CHOUT 12.25.2006 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by Ripchord

:( I shoulda said holidays and not Xmas.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 12.25.2006 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by Ripchord

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 12.25.2006 02:38 AM

I got Wowee Zowee deluxe too! It's fucking great. I got it a few weeks ago from a friend. Another friend gave me a joke lighter that electrocutes the user, since I hate smoking.

My mom, dad, myself, and my little sister all pitched in to get me a new EHX Polyphase but I don't think it will be here tomorrow since my sister ordered it kind of late. (my parents are poor so I gotta help out if I want something nice.)

My older brother and my middle sister got me nothing I'd assume, since they're out of state. I didn't get them anything either.

No idea what my eldest sister and my little brother each got me. I hope my little brother didn't get me something lame. I asked him for Bladerunner, but I doubt he got me it.

alteredcourse 12.25.2006 04:55 AM

dont know what i got yet .
i feel shitty for only getting my lil bro a (large ) dime of good weed and a cuban cigar . like , woo fucking hoo .

SynthethicalY 12.25.2006 04:57 AM

I got a visa gift card for 25 dollars I don't know what to buy online.

Prisstina 12.25.2006 10:57 AM

I'll write out my long-ass list after I get back from church. PARENTS ARE FORCING ME!

k-krack 12.25.2006 11:00 AM

I got:
Sigur Rós- Ágćtis Byrjun
At The Drive-In- Relationship of Command
Clerks II
South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
Life of Pi (Is it good? Mom got it for me)
Tribal drum + mallet for it
Tribal plinky instrument...
$20 gift certificate for Music World
Guitar Player magazine subscription
More later after the fambly din-din.

Пятхъдесят Шест 12.25.2006 11:16 AM

Well, my favorite gift was this book:


jheii 12.25.2006 11:25 AM

I got protein powder and vitamins from my brother (he thinks that i'm too skinny and being a vegetarian is unhealthy), new tires on my van and money in my account from dad, and a knife from a friend.

Savage Clone 12.25.2006 11:56 AM

Two nice windbreaker-type jackets for winter biking
iPod Nano
A nice set of power tools including:
Circular saw w/laser line
Reciprocating saw
and some peripheral attachments/accessories

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