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Rob Instigator 06.07.2013 01:38 PM

ANONYMOUS leaks NSA documents

The NSA has been sharing their metadata with foreign governments. The One World Government is already here and we are coming late to the party.

dead_battery 06.07.2013 03:15 PM

what is bad about the idea (its only an idea) of a one world government? i mean apart from idiotic biblical fantasies of the tower of babel.

Rob Instigator 06.07.2013 03:18 PM

I have always thought a one world government is inevitable, but what we are now living under is a one-world SHADOW government, created and run purely for the benefit of the most rich and the most powerful families in the world, while they spend what is a pittance to them to convince the rest of us that there still exist nations separate from each other.

Bytor Peltor 06.07.2013 03:22 PM

NY Times - "Obama Administration has lost all credibility" about being a day late and a dollar short.

h8kurdt 06.07.2013 03:38 PM

The annoying thing is what can the "regular" people do about it? The governments may stop it, only for it then to carry on under a different name (as has already with this). I'd like to see a revolution as 6th form student that sounds and actually see people pissed off. However, apathy is becoming a bigger problem these days.

Rob Instigator 06.07.2013 03:46 PM

No one cares because the new XBOX will keep full on Big Brother surveillance on us.

The government can use any smartphone as a "bug" even if it is powered off. They could only do that with the explicit collaboration of the TelCom companies. One rich fuck scratches the back of another....

h8kurdt 06.07.2013 03:48 PM

Yeah having a camera on you all the time, whether it be on the Kinetic for the XBox or the webcam on your laptop, has always seemed a bit too 1984 for my liking.

dead_battery 06.07.2013 03:50 PM

its funny cos if they didnt check your phone records and thus let terrorist attacks slip through you'd just blame them for staging a false flag attack.

Rob Instigator 06.07.2013 04:00 PM

We have to take their word, (the word of the same FUCKS who lie to us on the REG) that they have stopped terror attacks, or prevented terror attacks.
Yet two bros from Chechnya can set off bombs at the biggest marathon in the country.
The entire nation needs to re-read 1984.

dead_battery 06.07.2013 04:29 PM

so the government is not powerful enough to stop 2 guys bombing a marathon. and you are angry at the government trying to extend its power to stop terrorists.

also there is noone alive and in power today in the us who actually wants to impose the kind of order featured in the novel 1984.

Rob Instigator 06.07.2013 04:31 PM

they have had these "powers" since 2007, dig?

You don't know the mind of the super-rich, super-educated sociopath out for world domination. They really do exist.

dead_battery 06.07.2013 05:14 PM

neither do you, because you are fantasizing. world domination? give me a fucking break!

but ahh. fuck this. i dont even care. sick of pointing out how stupid and ill informed this paranoia is. you can all battle your imagination. ill just keep working towards that nwo pay cheque.

h8kurdt 06.07.2013 05:15 PM

So you're happy that all this information can be given to governments so easily? I've said many times on here I don't buy into conspiracies involving government created bombings etc, but the evidence of this is there for all to see.

afreespirit 06.07.2013 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
No one cares because the new XBOX will keep full on Big Brother surveillance on us.

The government can use any smartphone as a "bug" even if it is powered off. They could only do that with the explicit collaboration of the TelCom companies. One rich fuck scratches the back of another....

That collaboration might not willing. Big Government has big sticks it can use to force cooperation; IRS, FBI, EPA etc.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.07.2013 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator utm_source=gizmodo_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow

The NSA has been sharing their metadata with foreign governments. The One World Government is already here and we are coming late to the party.

This "one-world" government has always existed, it just changes shape and form as it evolves and devolves cyclically across time. The Fathers observed this power as "Satan" and believe it a spiritual entity and direct power. However, from the atheistic perspective, we can call this a Jungian archetype for the negative, selfish, and violent tendency in the human psyche which we all infinitely possess. This force drives and compels humans in a weird, centripetal yet conversely centrifugal direction. We are brought together in our mutual selfishness to do harm, and yet this very behavior is self-destructive and pushes individuals away. Again, the Fathers attribute this to a negative spiritual entity, but for the sake of argument, we can assume these demons are our own. They have always been there. In Egypt. In Babylon. In Alexander's Macedon. In Rome. In Byzantium. In the Holy Roman Empire. In the United Kingdom. In our post-modern American empire. Its all the same shit. The same negative forces compel humans towards selfish lusts for power, and this action interconnects many in a chain. This chain leads directly to death, as attested to the 200,000,000 deaths in the past hundred years of war. Imagine that, TWO HUNDRED MILLION deaths. Sad. Whether its the Devil, or just ourselves, either way, we have to manifest positive energy against this self-destruction, only love can save us, and this selfish lust for power will always try to destroy.

SonikJesus 06.08.2013 03:09 AM

Its not paranoia. Its critical thinking, asking questions, not being a fucking sheep. Sure there are crazy stupid conspiracy theories out there but when it has to do with the government and the rich, that shits obvious. Do you really think people who know they are true are stupid? I mean take Rob, for example, hes definately not a dumbass. I'd say hes pretty intelligent. There's also a bunch of PHD fucks and former high ranking goverenment officials who have spoken.

And don't forget that throughout history, time ant time again, people have been more willing to give up their rights during times of fear. There is even proof of governments staging events to cause mass fear.

!@#$%! 06.08.2013 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
NY Times - "Obama Administration has lost all credibility" about being a day late and a dollar short.

well, at least its credibility lasted more than dubya's, which was a stillborn after the florida theft election.

but shit is shit, regardless of party affiliation.


Originally Posted by dead_battery
what is bad about the idea (its only an idea) of a one world government? i mean apart from idiotic biblical fantasies of the tower of babel.

what is bad is the lack of options. no place to run, literally or metaphorically. imagine heading south for a thousand miles and all you'd find is northern ireland.

dead_battery 06.08.2013 04:39 PM

nah. because you'd have another group of people vying to take control. all power structures create an outer circle of people wanting to take their place.

!@#$%! 06.08.2013 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
nah. because you'd have another group of people vying to take control. all power structures create an outer circle of people wanting to take their place.

right, but there are different games with different rules. just like in nature different ecosystems organize themselves while keeping similar niches (nitrogen fixers, herbivores, prey, predators, scavengers, parasites, etc).

monocultures suck.

dead_battery 06.08.2013 05:07 PM

well humanity is a monoculture if you want to look at it like that.

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