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porkmarras 01.01.2007 01:16 PM

Aesthetics and music
How much do the aesthetics of a band influence the way you listen to them?Look,i ain't going to elaborate that much because i want to read your thoughts first.I expect a few ignorant things to be written as i,indeed,think you're mostly idiotic fanboys.

Glice 01.01.2007 01:52 PM

Sometimes lot, sometimes not. I really want to love some bands for the way they look but can't. Especially Richie-era Manics.


porkmarras 01.01.2007 02:04 PM

I really like 'The Holy Bible' even though it brought bad habits to youngsters(ie self harming).the Manics look great but i still think the idea of them existing is wrong.

Glice 01.01.2007 02:29 PM

Great lyrics. If I wanted to listen to GNR (which I don't) I'd listen to GNR.

terminal pharmacy 01.02.2007 04:33 AM

aesthetics and music don't usually happen for me, i mean i want to have hot sex with pink, but i don't ever ever ever want to hear her music, i want to listen to nick cave a lot but i don't want to see him on televisions really. the aesthetic should be a show only thing in some ways, like tool for example (i'm sure maynard isn't always painted blue or dress in drag) but in the case of say kyuss it was just some stoners in jeans and t's without trying to be in anyway aestetic, it was just some guys rocking out, same as sonic youth, they just rock out, i don't think they really try to hold to some visual aesthetic. it is a very very grey area.... the problem lays in the manufacture of aesthetic as a lifestlye for industry stylised bands..... my thoughs for you mr porky

Pookie 01.02.2007 06:11 AM

I was always a Clash fan, but I bought Pennie Smith's The Clash: Before and After (photographs of the band), and I became a HUGE Clash fan.

But then I was 14 at the time and they were just the coolest looking group of people I'd ever seen.

Then it was Black Flag, Minutemen, Meat Puppets, Husker Du, Sonic Youth and the whole anti-image thing was very appealing to me as an image.

Now, I couldn't tell you what most of the bands I listen to even look like, but if I see a cool looking band/artist in a magazine, it has a definite appeal to me.

Tokolosh 01.02.2007 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
How much do the aesthetics of a band influence the way you listen to them?


"What do you think?"

Pookie 01.02.2007 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
sometimes, it works the other way around. at least for me. i might be confused and find musicians "attractive", because i like their work so much.

Yes, in fact these days it's more often like this for me.

And it's certainly less to do with things like dress-sense. When I like somebody's look, it is usually something undefinable.

A Thousand Threads 01.02.2007 09:31 AM

Mhm, i guess you´re right.
But what would Devo be without their style.
same for Sun Ra, Damo Suzuki, etc

i mean, their music is fanatastic without the aesthetics, but it gives them some sort of extra points.

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