For musicvenues:
De Nieuwe anita has great kind of hipster gigs at times(ariel pink played there just a couple of days ago), but they got the weirdest planning of concerts ever.
Zaal 100 is quite fine also but a bit on and off with bands. And it's closed in July and August.
The OCCI is a heaven for the people on this site at times even it's quite out of centre. And also it's full of hipsters most of the time and they seem a bit out of season now(because their going to renovate it)
For food I highly recommend Dutch pancakes which seem as far as I can see quite different from the American ones(fatter and way heavier on the stumic). Also frikandellen and kroketten are highly recommend as said before but their also a lot of places that serve vegan food in Amsterdam.
And for nightclubs I have no clue, I am just 18 for a couple of months....and haven't been in that time to Amsterdam.
Not the biggest winston or paradiso fan but yeah, most bands(the more mainstream ones mostly or leading bands in a genre, but also the clean were playing there 2 months ago) play paradiso and mostly some other club dates around the Netherlands.
That's how far I can help you.