Originally Posted by alteredcourse
I...would not have come to that conclusion from such a quote. All I can do right now is maintain the marvel I have at the variety of other peoples brains.
which conclusion, Powers or mine?
Powers is suggesting that in that scene Shakespeare is in essence praising a positive, productive use of new information technology, where as I always interpreted that scene as quite honestly Shakespeare mocking Hamlet as a dimwit, mistaking wisdom (from intuitive, reflective experience in the heart) as knowledge (facts and information which can be cataloged with various evolving technologies)
I mean come on, that is a moving scene, a fucking Ghost of his dead father is telling him to cool out and let fate deal with revenge and Hamlet has to rush to write that little tidbit of novel information on his new technological writing tablet which was the Elizabethan equivalent of the laptop?
Could you imagine taking down memos from beyond the grave on your laptop? It is an absurdly comical image..
at least thats how I would act that particular scene.
Powers takes it differently, he sees the writing tables as good thing in that scene..
but hey, I'm a spiritualist and Powers was a self-admitted technology junky, we each have our clear biases