This forgotten band features Ian Mackaye's brother Alec, and is about a million times better than almost any band with that oft-imitated "D.C. sound". Not sounding too dissimiliar to all the weirdest sections in Fugazi songs (you know, the parts I really enjoyed), this sounds like it was attempting to update and refine Wire's "Pink Flag"/"Chairs Missing" sound. While it doesn't reach those heights (and, really, what albums have?), this is still a long-overlooked art-punk gem that is truly mindblowing at times. This is only guitar/bass/drums but the interplay between the instruments is truly bizarre and exciting at times. The drumming is some of the most unconventional, forward-thinking, and brilliant I've ever heard on an album, by any band, nearly as amazing as John French of The Magic Band, if you can believe that (Amy Farina is the drummer, btw; she's in the Evens now and doesn't play like this!). Just a great album, enjoy.