Has anybody here seen the new documentary film "Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage"?
I'm not exactly a fan, though must confess they are something of a secret guilty pleasure - especially the early Ayn Rand-inspired stuff like "Anthem," (and I say that as somebody who can't stand Ayn Rand!)
Sure has been fun to poke fun at the band and their nerdy fans all these decades, but after viewing the doc the other night, I came away with a genuine respect for them as people, and as artists who have made a significant body of work, having succeeded on their own terms and staying together for that long remaining close loyal friends. Total integrity.
It made me think about and appreciate Sonic Youth's longevity and artistic growth, being another cult band that have stayed together a long time doing their own thing and evolving.
Anyway, ridicule all you like, take my word it's worth a view.