Academy Unable To Contact Jean-Luc Godard
Godard shows no interest in honorary Oscar
By Steve Ramos | Source: Various | 08/27/2010 06:28AM
Following up on his no-show earlier this year at a Cannes Film Festival press conference for his latest movie “Film Socialisme,” legendary French director Jean-Luc Godard continues to be non-responsive to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences who plan to present the veteran auteur with a lifetime achievement Oscar November 13 in Hollywood. According to London’s “Guardian,” repeated attempts by the Academy have failed.
“ We’ve been attempting to reach him since 7 p.m. Tuesday evening and we have as yet had no confirmation,” says Academy Eexecutive Director Bruce Davis. ”We have tried telephone, by fax, by emails to various friends and associates. We have sent a formal letter by FedEx. But we have certainly not been told he will show up at this point.”
Godard, 79, director of French New Wave classics “Breathless,” ‘Weekend” and many others, is set to receive this honory Oscar along with actor Eli Wallach, British film historian Kevin Brownlow. Francis Ford Coppola will also be at the ceremony to receive the Irving G Thalberg memorial award. That is, if Godard shows.