ooooooooh ok! thanks man! maybe next year i'll be ready for your football pool ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!)
so pass interference is like "holding" but for the receiver? funny thing, i thought the point of the game was to hold people and keep them from doing shot. i guess there are subtleties. ha! i did see a slow motion replay of a holding where a dude was being grabbed by his shoulder pads/sleeve and i thought "what a pussy move", ha ha ha
so a question: is the shot clock cummulative? cuz first they had like 12 seconds and then there was 1 minute and they just let it go, go go... oh so did they first let it run until the last second, and then...? ? ? ?
the clock in bball is 24 seconds right? what is it in football?
btw i have in the back of my head the horrible memory of seeing a philadelphia eagles quarterback getting his shin broken like a fucking matchstick- reggie.. something. in the 90s. it still gives me the willies to think about it.