I've used Sound Forge a pretty good bit, and quite enjoy it. Being that it is not multi-track, the only way to record multiple instruments/voices is to do them all in one take. A great program for documenting ideas, or for singer/songwriter sorts that have no need for any accompanying instruments/etc.
Me and a friend used to use it. We'd set up a mic near two amplifiers and just kinda go crazy. Actually, a lot of the Cen.Quo.Akt stuff was recorded using Sound Forge.
My suggestion, look into Sony Acid. Pretty affordable, fairly user friendly, and allows many tracks so you can record your parts separately + add too/take away stuff you don't like.
As far as a cleaner sound....a lot of this can have to do with yr microphone + the way its set up.
Also, (and it's by no means necessary), mixers can go a long way....and you can get 'em for fairly cheap sometimes depending on what ya want.
All of this said, I don't think, judging from the recorded material that I've heard from you guys, that any of it sounds "bad" by any means. I personally kinda dig the lo-fi quality, but that's just me. It adds character and gives it a very "personal" feel.
Team Thurston!