I don't really think it has to do with newer systems, my Gamecube has never given me any problems, and I've had it since the night of it's release. I also purchased a Wii the night of it's release, which I soon after sold to my cousin...long story. It's still alive, and well at his place - he's had to replace his 360.
Nintendo, and SEGA seem to consistently deliver quality machines that will likely outlive you. My NES, SNES, N64, GC, Wii (at my cousin's), Genesis and Dreamcast are all still alive to this day. I think the difference is that these are pure gaming machines (aside from possibly the Wii, and the CD-playing Dreamcast, if you wanna get technical)... while the other consoles have tried to incorporate so much into a singular product. It's no wonder they're overheating. The more features, the more things that can go awry. Are PS3s known to hold up well?
I really enjoy playing games on all of my consoles, but will put more faith in any Nintendo, or SEGA system, as far as product longevity is concerned.