Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
Yeah, the Wii is often criticized for not having a DVD-drive, but who gives a flying fuck? IT'S A FUCKING VIDEO GAME SYSTEM! It doesn't need to do anything else! I never remember bitching about how my NES didn't have a VHS drive... although I do appreciate the DVD drive on my PS2, I wouldn't disown it if it only played games.
Haha, it's going to be ridiculous when ten years from now, we're going to be telling some kid about how we used to play Mario Bros. on our NES's and they'll ask us. "Cool, so what else did it do? What movies did you watch on it? What games did you download?"
I guess the age of pure game playing systems is over. I can't imagine it ever going back to being a pure gaming system. We're too spoiled these days with all of this other crap our hardware can do beyond just playing video games. I'm not complaining too much, it is neat, but I don't really need it either. Well with one amendment, the virtual console/xbox live arcade are both pretty good ideas.
Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
And what is with the 360 and it's partial backward compatibility?!?!? Why only give it the ability to play some older games, but not all? Imagine if Nintendo had pulled that kind of shit with the Gameboy series. Hell, even the DS was GBA compatible!
Shiiiiit, it really does that?! Only some of them? How do you even know which ones are compatible and which ones aren't? That is crazy! How embarassing did that one have to be to announce? Better hang onto those original XBox's kids. Man, how do you fuck that one up. Backwards compatibality is one of the best features ever in these newer systems.