Originally Posted by Count Mecha
Haha, it's going to be ridiculous when ten years from now, we're going to be telling some kid about how we used to play Mario Bros. on our NES's and they'll ask us. "Cool, so what else did it do? What movies did you watch on it? What games did you download?"
I guess the age of pure game playing systems is over. I can't imagine it ever going back to being a pure gaming system. We're too spoiled these days with all of this other crap our hardware can do beyond just playing video games. I'm not complaining too much, it is neat, but I don't really need it either. Well with one amendment, the virtual console/xbox live arcade are both pretty good ideas.
I can't help but think of that part with Wild Gunman in Back to the Future 2... "
You mean you have to use your hands?, that's like a baby's toy!"
Originally Posted by Count Mecha
Shiiiiit, it really does that?! Only some of them? How do you even know which ones are compatible and which ones aren't? That is crazy! How embarassing did that one have to be to announce? Better hang onto those original XBox's kids. Man, how do you fuck that one up. Backwards compatibality is one of the best features ever in these newer systems.
There's an official list on their site:
It seems to have covered the most popular titles, but I plan lugging around an original XBOX forever... even if it becomes soley my GunValkyrie machine, haha!