Originally Posted by ann ashtray
It was playing on repeat in the bedroom...the song "Man on the Moon", if I'm not mistaken.
He was found in the greenhouse, no music playing.
However, it's clear that this was most likely the last album he listened to. Just like the last beverage he consumed was Barq's root beer (which I believe he carried with him to the greenhouse).
I never found any of this creepy.
Only related story I've ever found creepy was when Cali and some friends were sent to the house to look for Kurt, and after driving away (having not found him), Cali turned around from the back seat of the car and could have swore he saw someone looking out from a window upstairs. He also admitted it could have been his mind playing tricks on him, but either way he was spooked enough to not tell the driver to turn around and go check the house again.
And also...a mysterious plane ticket bought for a still mysterious girl toward the end of his life...she's never been identified, at least not publically.
Creepy was probably a poor word choice. I guess I just find it interesting, but in a strange way.
And yeah, I read all that stuff about 5 years ago, so my facts are a little off. But shit man. That IS creepy!
Regardless, Stipe's got a great recognizable voice. and he's totally not afraid to get sensitive, without being a pussy. I love Everybody Hurts, I don't care what anyone says