i get the impression that symbol man is like when your friends dad gets too friendly with you when he's giving you all a lift somewhere. like when he wants to come along and just "hang for a while", but it's not really appropriate, but at the same time you feel kinda sorry for the old dude since the undisguisable loneliness of his existence seems to manifest itself with more painful clarity each moment you spend in his presence. the next time he picks you all up he remembers every detail of small talk about your life you gave him last time and asks you enthusiastic follow up questions that you don't want to really answer in that much detail yet he get ever closer. the mood is kinda soured and everyone is quiet and distant, and its obvious how uncomfortable you all are, but this only seems to make him feel like he should talk more to fill up the silence. he's harmless of course, and he IS trying to be nice and friendly, but there's nothing worse than that long silence that greets his enthusiastic chatter wherein he's supposed to intuit the hint that it's kinda time to leave us all alone now but thanks for the lift and all anyway.