Well, since my review is buried on there, lemme just say.. enter the void is by far and away noe's best film, again, reiterating here because I actually feel compelled to watch it again, something I've never felt after watching one of his movies. It's not perfect --Tte story is virtually non-existent, and when the drama happens, it isn't felt. I really don't think anyone could really care about any of the characters in this film, but it's nto really about the "plot"... At this film's best, it's hypnotic; visual and aural fury that is rarely captured this vividly. At it's worst it becomes a bad trip, unlikable characters and tediously repetitive sequences that bog down what could have been a super tight. Uuslaly, it's just too damn long, but you know what? I dug it. I'm going to watch it again tonight.
The film is stylistically nearly identical to the film VISIONS OF SUFFERING, and it also feels a lot like the SMACK MY BITCH UP video by Prodigy, stretched to feature length. I'm a fan of both of those works of art, so I like this, haha. Some absolutely great drugged out sequences here -- I guess what disappointed me is that the rest of the film doesn't really reach for the heights that the "aesthetics" reach for; dialogue is usually trite, silly, predictable, and dull. All in all, it's just kinda.. a drug movie. It almost seemd like they were going to do something here.. something deep, philisophical... the TIBETAN BOOK OF THE DEAD is constantly namedropped.. but nothing ever comes out of it.
Still, quite a fine movie, especially technically, and it's really neat to see how far movies have come in the past dexade, with all te digital technology available to somewhat low budget filmmakers... this film literally couldn't have been made 20 years ago (well, it could've been, but it would've looked like shit -- this film looks shockingly amazing, and sounds amazing as well). Quite cool, stylistically, if some of it falls a bit flat.
All in all, a nice atmospheric drugged out trip. Watch in complete darkness, with a great sound system, on the poison of your choice, and you will walk away, not knowing what to think.. but happier because of it. This is the film Noe was trying to make all along. And I've never been a big fan of his, but I do dig this film.