Originally Posted by ni'k
i don't know how much of a good thing that is tho. (that it would be considered illegal)
i mean whats actually needed is a leftist working class movement. a party that targets the same people and same areas that the bnp does.
a state that would outlaw the bnp might be just as quick to outlaw a far leftist party.
no no, better to let them operate, but SABOTAGE their operations. but not by outright banning them and giving them the power of self righteous victimisation, making it look like you have something to be afraid of. no, you let them run but you interfere, never let them get off the ground, step in here and there, mess up things. monitor them, infiltrate if needs be. muddle and confuse them. waste their time, its not hard, you just throw in a few either controversial or misinformed comments to misdirect things.
the american far right and republican party knows how to fucking do this right. i'll give them that. its not just paranoia talking. read them closely enough and in the right places. because they actually albeit misguidedly believe in their own crap they feel entitled to win using any tactics possible. so they will openly discuss how to shut down liberal debate by infiltrating message boards for example and spreading counter propaganda but doing it pretending to be a liberal. they know that the best way to paralyze your enemy on this terrain is to muddle it, to confuse it, to waste its time in endless debate, to troll it subtley, to sow divisions within.
fuck, think how fun this would be. if only the state would pay me to do it. well, at least i already do in teslas mind, because you know what a dangerous radical he is and how important it is to stop him from blowing our nefarious schemes.
but the right already really do this. on places like democraticunderground.com they do it and have been caught out. i mean i've read them on their right wing blogs discussing these tactics.
thats on small scale, on the larger scale you have your karl roves and your fox news. same type of tactics tho - we don't give a shit about playing by the rules. so its kind of redundant to chase after them all the time demanding better standards of them. they dont care in the first place! they only pretend to have any kind of standards at all. fight dirty or you end up with obama and then they get back into power.
well after all, it's not like people or parties like that don't exist - it's more like you have a much harder time figuring them out.
in my experience a "real" leftist party is not even a real possibility anymore - because all the romantic "left" and "right" gets mixed up in a whole pot of romantic illusions of grandeur and authority that just aren't pratical or benefit anyone in the greater scheme of the new world.
you know, down here people are more interested in a romantic speech of whatever "left" is supposed to be and words matter more than actions - so funny things happen - like people who claim to be "communists" who own a few million-dollar houses get elected state governors with the support of big companies, while also claiming to be democrats. In some twisted world, people think that's a real ideology.
While there's a shitload of parties in the middle, who have actual practical plans that are way more people-oriented get completely forgotten because it just isn't "dramatic" enough, it isn't as entertaining as good X evil.