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Old 11.15.2010, 09:39 AM   #3131
Toilet & Bowels
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Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Can someone, ANYONE, please explain to me why ANYONE would like the game "Vagrant Story"? I played this one a couple of years ago for a few hours -- as some of you know, at one point I had every game that Square made for the PS1 -- and thought it was one of the worst, if not THE ABSOLUTE WORST, games I'd ever played in my life.

The entire game is hitting the X button to attack enemies "in the grid". Large group formations that surround you. You hit X to attack, then select a "body part" to hit, and then you do it. HIT X QUICKLY and you will get another attack or two in. But, ohhh, be careful, because every time you do ANYTHING, the "risk" meter builds up, and when it's maxed out, all the enemies attacks will do 3x the damage to you and you can't do anything. Not that you could anyway -- you often miss, or only do 1HP of damage. 1HP! For enemies who, y'know, have 200HP! OF COURSE, what you have to do is buy special weapons to hit them with -- certain blades can only kill certain enemies. Sounds cool, right (er, besides the fact that the weapons break)? Well, not in the heat of a battle when you have to change your fucking blade 4 times in a row. It's that bad. You will die, you will die often, but beyond that, you will be bored, since the whole game could probably be beaten in 2 hours, but because of the artificial lengthening of "You don't do ANY DAMAGE unless you have the EXACT blade selected -- and even then, you won't do MUCH damage", the game ends up becoming 12-15 hours long.

Graphics suck, music's alright, none of that is as important as the ABSOLUTE WORST, most BORING, TEDIOUS, AWFUL gameplay I've ever experienced in my fucking life! Oh, and you can't just save when you need to, requiring you to fight MULTIPLE BOSSES before you're allowed to save. And this might be a minor point, but for some reason, the game save takes up 3 times the space of a regular PS1 game -- and it requires ANOTHER 8kb (if you're counting, that's roughly 32kb FOR ONE GAME! -- and yes, that was a shitload on PS1 memory cards) -- for items. What?!

Vagrant Story is one of my top 3 RPGs of all time (the others are DQVIII and Majora's Mask) and while I admit it is a game that takes a lot of perseverance to get into & you'd certainly need to play it for more than a few hours to appreciate what is so great about it, quite a few of your criticisms are just factually incorrect.

Large group formations don't surround you, there are never more than 3 enemies on screen at a time.
You can chain as many attacks as you like not just one or two, but you need to time it right.
It takes a lot of attacks for the risk meter to build up to levels that start to seriously affect your accuracy, but the higher your risk the more powerful your blows are, also the higher your risk is when you enter the room there's a good chance of facing stronger or rarer enemies, and stronger, or rare enemies drop rarer or unique items...cntd in 5 mins.
Also there are items you can use to lower your risk.
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