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Old 11.18.2010, 04:12 PM   #1
Dr. Eugene Felikson
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Flav's Fried Chicken: Public Enemy Star Taking On The Colonel
Val Siebert , November 17th, 2010 12:14

FFC and Le Flav Spirits (including bubblegum vodka) on their way soon


Look long and hard, people, for this is the new face of fried chicken.
Yes, the inimitable Flavor Flav of Public Enemy has announced his plans to foray into the chicken frying industry.
At a pre-gig show and Q&A last night (November 14), Flav and his Public Enemy partner Chuck D discussed future plans. For Chuck, these included bringing hip-hop back to Africa and for Flav it included providing the public with heaps of booze for a night out as well as the greasy meal to eat shamefully at the end of it.

"Yo, check this out," said Flav. "I want you all to keep on the lookout – it should be on the shelves by January – I'm launching a thing called 'Le Flav Spirits'. I'm comin' out with a cherry vodka, a berry vodka, an olive vodka, a sweet tea vodka, a bubblegum vodka and grape vodka. Also, I'm comin' out with 'Le Flav Cognac' and 'Chateaux Le Flav' which'll be some bubbly. Champagne, that's right folks – Poppin'n'drinkin'!" But is that the extent of his 'business ventures'? Hell no. Inbetween talking about his planned TV shows, films and solo records, Flav dropped a bomb: "I'm also launching FFC – ya'll heard of KFC right? – well this is FFC, Flav's Fried Chicken.
"The Colonel better watch his back, G! The Colonel might end up in my fryer!"
The group are soon to be heading to South Africa for some gigs and, while Flav talked up his 'solo projects', Chuck D explained that the group will be heading up some workshops to teach African hip-hop artists to gain some global fans.
"We have a firm belief that that entire continent… this music belongs to those people and they do the music for a whole bunch of different reasons and we don't want to see the continent get co-opted out," he said. "We want to create a coup of sorts to snatch the base of hip-hop and rap music away from the United States corporations and feed it right back into the motherland."
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