Originally Posted by !@#$%!
drink water, man. you'll endure a couple of days of headaches and then you'll sleep like a baby and be awake all day (or whenever you need to be awake). it's the high/crash cycle that keeps you hooked.
or do they mix up your hours? my bro in law used to be a journalist and he'd work at all kinds of weird freaking hours. so he was addicted to the evil bean. which is tasty, i admit. but now i ramble-- i'm listening to somebody else's phone convo and i can't focus. sorry mang.
...when I worked at sbux my hours varied from a 5.15am start to an 11.30pm finish, with a few overnighters thrown in.. and absolutely no regular schedule to try an adjust to (ie the 5am would be followed the next day by a late finish, and vice versa).... so I would drink a helluva lot of espresso.. it was 'free' mind, but also part of my wage IMHO.