Originally Posted by Mortte Jousimo
So this "rather ripped case" confirms what I have noticed how people acts. Most of the people wants to belong in some community and they donīt want to say their real opinions, if they have to disagree with the community persons that have strong opinions. I truly believe that in this gossip there is persons who hates Rather Ripped only because the most of the gossip members hate it.
I don't if its entirely attributable to group-think dynamics as much as inability to accept progress/evolution/change, nostalgic idealism, and a dash of hipster "more artistic integrity than thou" snobbishness..
A lot of SY fans really enjoyed the early years, but could not necessarily embrace the later years, and in their inability to accept change, they instead of still embracing the bands new directions decided to fight against it as the torch bearers, the flag wavers of the by-gone era. This is quite common in many music scenes, and people have this right to a preference, so long as they are not assholes about it, and many in SYG in regards to the new albums unfortunately have been nothing but assholes.
For my two-cents, I came into SY in 1998 on the 1000 Leaves era, and I adore most the art-rock, experimental, jamming yet chord driven ambient sounds of the 1998-2005 era of SY where they combined the noise and experimentation of the early 80s with the structure and musicality of the post-day dream nation era..
BUT, this does not mean I do not also love things like Sonic Death, because as much as I prefer the more ambient SY, I also love the noise/no-wave stuff on its own level. But I am a bit more eclectic and diverse in my musical tastes than others on SYG, I go from roots to soul to crust to metal to yay area hip hop to delta blues to traditional Ethiopian mezmur to no-wave to riot grrl to the Grateful Dead (live only) so I might not be exactly representative of SYG as a whole