I am on the last disc of D2. This has officially trumped Killer7, LSD: Dream Emulator, various Cho Aniki, and HOLY PIRACY, BADMAN! as the weirdest official game I've ever played.
I was genuinely disturbed by one of the bosses on this last disc...
Basically, you meet 3 friends, and one "boyfriend" in your game, right as disc 3 ends/disc 4 starts, every single one of your friends in the game dies. One tries to kill you.. you kill him.. one turns into a monster and one sacrifices herself killing the monster dude and killing herself.. then, a little 6 year old girl who has followed you around for much of the game MELTS. Which hasn't been explained yet. She just fucking melts right in front of you. A 6 year old girl.
So, things are now INCREDIBLY depressing, as you have NO COMPANIONS. Your snowmobile is gone. Your sense of direction is gone. You find your mom and she is turns out to be a clone machine. Your "real" mom died. So your "mom" is actually a machine, and you're.. her.. clone daughter? So there are other little Lauras running around, I guess (which explains Enemy Zero and D I guess, since they both have different versions of Laura).
So, your mom begs you to kill her -- this is disturbing as hell. She SCREAMS "KILL ME. KILL ME. KILLMEKILLMEKILLMEEEEEEEEEEE. KILL MEEEEEEEEE!" so loud that it sent the volume on my tv into the red. Seriously, it came out distorted in places because she was screaming "KILL ME" so loud. You basically destroy this huge machine, that has dead naked women in water tanks, all hooked up to this main machine. I'm not sure if elements of their bodies are going into the machine, or if they're being "birthed" from the machine or something. Either way, you have to blow open the water tanks and destroy shoot to death these naked women before dismantling the machine.
Then, after you kill the machine, you notice that the two gigantic tubes sticking out of it are actually LEGS.. and the button at the center that you destroy last is a CLIT.. and a gigantic HOLE opens up... this is the vagina.
The vagina, btw, is represented as a "Flower" (though still looks like a vagina.. just, with petals). The entire game, you've had to kill these weird flower enemies.. hm.
After killing her, it goes into like 15 minutes of footage of airplanes being built in reverse, nukes being dropped on Japan in reverse, stop motion of entire buildings being destroyed/constructed.. usually in reverse.. footage of dinosaurs (!?!), all as superquick flashes.. like, each image is maybe on the screen a 4th of a second (though most images are returned to), this is almost like a fucking Brakhage film as it fills your eyes with insane images, the reoccuring image in the GAME is your eyeballs, each time it shows your eyeball this LOUD AS HELL high pitched sine wave plays and disrupts the rest of the footage (which all has its own weird sounds, usually explosion sounds or just weird distorted noise).
The entire game has been an insane mindfuck but this sequence of events last night seriously destroyed my brain. It definitely inspires me for my next movie.. but yeah. This is SOME FUCKED UP SHIT. Not coincedentally, it was Warp's last game. It felt very "final" in some weird way.