check out It will hook you up, I think there's an emulator called CHANKAST. The game is 4 discs. There are a few different rips: the game is SLIGHTLY bigger than 700mb so there's a rip that downgrades all the audio and removes a cinema or two (the game switches to cinemas when you open doors or pick up items -- which some people find annoying but it works, plsu you can skip 'em with the Y button.. still, removing them isn't going to change the game at all). This is one you'll want to download if you want to burn a copy. I got a brand new copy of the game off of ebay for $25, after shipping, that had never been played. So, it's pretty easy to find if you don't want to deal with burning it (plus,a DreamCast is only like $20-30 at most pawn shops and online).
But, if you get.. Chankast I believe it's called.. there's the regular rip, which is too big to burn, but you will be able to load the ISO in the emulator. Only thing is, I dunno how the disc switching will work... I assume when it says "insert disc 2" at the end of disc 1, you'll simply load the next ISO with no problem? I have no clue, I'm sure there are already topics on this.
I HIGHLY reccomend buying a Dreamcast, since it is one of the best systems of all time, new games are still being made for it (okay, only like 2 or 3 a year, and they've all pretty much been shmups but hey). There's an AWESOME Genesis and NES emulator on it that will play every Genesis/NES game perfectly (plus, you can play arcade games -- yes, there's a great Mame emulator and romset out there -- NeoGeo, Atari, Game Boy and Game Boy Color, Game Gear, etc). Finally, there's an SNES emulator, and you can play about 75-80% of the SNES games PERFECTLY, but some of the more graphically intensive games (Treasure Hunter G, Yoshi's Island, R2: Rendering Ranger) play too slow. Still, most RPG's run perfectly, Mario World runs perfectly, Mario AllStars runs perfectly, most of the best games run perfectly... but yeah, it's worth it just for NESticle and the Genesis emulator (with complete romsets; again, all this is as dcisozone).. I bet I've put 50 hours into just playing the ROMs on there. And then the actual GAMES... fuck.. Bangai-O, Ikaruga, Grandia 2, Skies of Arcadia, Maken X, Shenmue 2, Space Channel 5, Canon Spike, Mars Matrix, Rayman 2, Street Fighter 3, Guilty Gear X, Project Justice, Border Down, Napple Tale, etc etc etc etc etc. There's just an insane amount of awesome Dreamcast games; the system was really only "around" for 2 years and there's seriously like 300 games for it, and about a third of them are AWESOME.. and easy to find. You can download every single game I just mentioned, and plenty more, with and then, you just need a burner, some cd-r's, and discjuggler or dreamboot, and burning is simple as hell.
Really, getting a Dreamcast was probably one of the best things I've ever done. I've played the hell out of that thing. I mean, there's still some sadness with playing it, since it represents the last hardcore gaming system in a way (games like Jet Grind Radio and Seaman and Shenmue were considered killer apps for the system... today, they'd be considered "b-titles" or something... probably part of the reason that the system "failed"... there's only like 2 first person shooters for the system, since a good handful of the games -- especially the 1st party ones -- were .. you know.. UNIQUE!). But, just check the dreamcast talk msg board man... there are still people playing the Dreamcast ONLINE (!). Insane.
If you have the money, I highly reccomend just picking up one of these babies. You WON'T be sorry.