07.05.2006, 10:05 PM
expwy. to yr skull
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 1,904
Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I lived in ass-town for a year. I hated it. I despised it. I loathed it. I wanted to set fire to the whole place. It is th single worst shithole in texas.
every single high school drop-out loser in texas moves to austin. They all STINK. My wife and I could not go anywhere, froma cafeteria to a book sale to a storee without running into the foulest stinking people. and these are REGULAR people not bums or the loathsome "gutterpunk" assholes. I wante to stab them all in the neck and thereby better the city of austin.
I ahte teh segregation. I lived there 7 years ago and it is so racially divided. Coming from houston where 38% are white 34% are black and 30% hispanic it was quite an adjustement to make. The city is flooded now with yuppies from california and san fran, and the prices for any housing are skyrocketing. gentrification of the east side and the south side is proceeding at a rapid pace. anything east of 35 , south of 14th was all working class black. anything south of riverside was working class hispa nic. those people are all pushed out now.
there are a lot of parks and bullshit like that, natural bulshit, but I am a city slick and I do not enjoy parks and nature and shit like that. the only things to do in austin are nature things, and barhopping. I do not drink, and bars bore me to death. the music scene is huge, but 90% of the bands are straight up CRAP,a nd the rest are a hodgepodge of crap mixed in with some flashy outfits. the whole place fucking sucked
the punks all snort coke all day and do not hang with hippies. the hippies all smoke pot and hate the cokehead punks. it makes for a very very CLIQUE-filled scene, and it is horrible. so many fucking mooches and bums.
arrrgghhh I ahted it so much!
anything dealing wuith culture nd the arts has to go through Univ of Texas. there are no great galleries or museums, except those daling in either cartoon art or western bullshit. the city has nearly one million people and yet they naively try to enforce laws that would keep it feeling like the hippie wasteland of the 70's it used to be.
The restaurants suck shit. the preponderabnce of second rate tex-mex is overwhelming. forget about finding more than one quality vietnamese restaurant, much less laotiona, ethiopian, etc.
ahh, I am just ranting. I hate that fucking place., the only thing I love about it is Waterloo Records and several other record stores they have which are great.
give me th BIG CITY with 6000 restaurants from every ethnicity and nationality you can think of in every price range all within a ten m,inute drive from anywhere. give me beautiful art museums and a world class symphony and opera and theatre district.
fuck I need to move to NYC
I wouldn't want to live in Austin, and I definitely would not live in NYC--I can't stand that place.

That dragon ain't the love sweet love.