thats a good one.
due to my work, before i was talking about this, i grew to be bad in social phonecalls. i mean, i m from very good (wfewpeople) to very bad (not picking up).
i have them during worktime, which is deadtime anyway. there i cant talk freely again and the calls are being recorded. didnt stop me before though.
or best when i walk after work or smoke outside.
after 18:00, i mostly dont pick it up. dont have the time for this.
the worst were 2 draining cases, i had on daily basis..when i could talk freely at work. one is moved to emails..other stopped. thankfully!
nowadays the worst is from 2 new people. good people, but boring.
one, each time says: hey, where are you? HELLO? AT WORK.
now he has a boyfriend and stopped calling every day.

the other: hey, manfriend. he calls everybody like this, male of female. should be cool, but trust me, it sounds horrible.
whats new? ERM, N O T H I N G.