Originally Posted by !@#$%!
the reason citizen kane was considered that is because orson welles perfected in that film a lot of techniques he had been working on for a while-- like the use of deep focus (a technical feat back then, now a matter of course with video), or the use of light and shadow after german expressionism, which is what film noir picked up from him. besides, it was a huuuuge, epic movie, massive in scale but not cheesy like gone with the wind which is from the same era. anyway if you think of film in the late 30s/early 40s and put CK in its context, it's pretty fucking awesome, though i like touch of evil and the trial more.
Yeah, i know that i shouldn't have tried to write anything when i'm so tired that i can't remember what i've said in previous sentence. of course i should've put CK in its context, timewise, and i truly think that most of the pictures from which the film is assembled, are absolutely stunning. and it's huge, epic, massive, technically fine and worth of many more superlatives - i acknowledge it's status and what it has meant for people in film industry, but i still can't say that it's the greatest movie ever made for me. or something.
just watched, and loved: