Thread: Salvia
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Old 05.13.2011, 02:55 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by kinnikpasswordforgetter
ever read about the first lsd freaks? they really did believe that it was literally a gateway to god. a cult formed and they went around preaching about it.

then people end up hacking their own arms off in closets.

a girl apparently did that at Philip K. Dick's house.

personally i think 'a scanner darkly' should be required reading for any young idiot who thinks drugs are so 'fucking crazy dude' and that they're going to be a pyschonautic rock star because mommys not around to enforce the taboo.
Before our western cultural revolution did away with the authority and legitimacy of the ancients, people didn't walk haphazardly into drug induced ecstasies, they had shamanistic guides. Even in the pre-Protestant Church, there were Priests to guide folks through the meditation of the Mass and the inducements of the Bread and Wine. People inherently needs plants and potions to break away from the domestication that has been ingrained in us to survive this chaotic world. However, there is an underlying harmony which modern Quantum Mechanics is finally getting to understanding. The depths of string theory is more bizarre than any bag of mushrooms you ever ate, and a person could get just as mixed up and immortalized reading Stephen Hawkings as the Festus accused the Apostle Paul of being when he said, "You are mad Paul! Too much studying has driven you insane!"

The problem is not in the plants and potions, its in the absolute lack of restraint and supervision. People who just want to binge should invest in cheap tequila, plants are for different kinds of "freak outs" LSD, that shit is just crazy, I don't suppose there could be a shamanistic tradition properly oriented around it, its not organic, the trip is not navigable, it just takes to the edge of physical sensory perception and reminds you your everyday reality is really just a delightful story you've invented to describe the bombardment of senses perceptions just as you do in your mind's eye when you read a good novel. For that, LSD is good for folks who really need to wake up and live and see that its not all what the thought, but to be honesty, its a rather extreme way to do that, and there are not guarantees. I say stick with the naturals, and even then, only under expert supervision with honorable intentions.

The problem with today, is the kids ain't go no respect for it.
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