Originally Posted by acousticrock87
I think that a lot of it has to do with the fact that this board does support the image of the band. If people on this board are ceaselessly picking on someone, even as a joke, or using excesive racist comments, even as a joke, Habib and the band have an obligation to point out that they're reponsible enough to do something about it. It's a good idea to give off a big warning that there are some things being said that the band doesn't want to be taken the wrong way, by anyone. Especially in connection with them and their community.
Even if it is a joke, things go too far, and not everyone who comes here knows it's a joke. It is just a message board, but it's Sonic Youth's message board, and these are real fans reading this stuff. They have a right and an obligation to dictate what they want to be represented by.
erm, no. thats crap.
habib just said why.
he only gives a fuck about it because its affecting him personally in his inbox is becoming filled with shit from people with nothing better to do.
sonic youth, habib and anybody who happens to come to this forum and read all the crap can see that its got nothing to do with sonic youth. its just another bunch of message board freaks doing the same shit that that every other gang of message board freaks do on every other message board every single day...... just these freaks happen to have sonic youth blasting in the background while theyre doing it.
only an idiot would think it represents sonic youth in any way. (but maybe they would come to the conclusion that alot of sonic youth fans are idiots and geeks)
dont you all think its absolutely amazing that such crap has been discussed by your favorite band? that theyve had to talk about it and make a decision that would go against their morals (habibs anyway) by banning you just because you are causing so much crap in cyber space? and so many people grassing each other up? dont think they actualy give a fuck about this board. im sure theyre aware that alot (not all) of the people here are lonely tossers, and they would rather not ever have to think about something as fucking daft.
please tell me why you would need a moderator when you have eyes/
cant you just read the things you want to and avoid the rest? even if you accidently read sometihng you dont like, ignore it! go to the next topic.
i know that i dont need someone to make everyhing nice and clean for me.
you want freedom of speech? then youve gotta take a whole lot of shit with it. you dont want freedom of speech? then you should interact with people instead of staying online. cuz most places ive been, if you say anything racist or take the piss out of people too much, you have to take the consequences, which usualy means a smack in the face or a alot of trouble for yourself. its so safe to do it here, then argue like it means something when it doesnt. all this means is that people here are so petty and annoying that youve pissed off habib, not thru what youve said, but in the same way i used to piss of my dad when we would drive somewhere and i would ask him every two minutes if we were nearly there yet.
is that what all your daily effort sums up to?