Mankind kills more than it saves man.
Organized religion is an extremely broad concept, as there are many that have truly stood for peace and done so successfully, many that stood for peace but failed to bring it about, and many that stood for peace and achieved the opposite. Religions that actually set out to kill man are few and far between; unless you're witty and satirical - then of course anything can be made to seem so. Religion itself is not the problem, it's people involved in it. And those people don't need religion to do it. It's just a simple catalyst. Especially if you believe religion is myth - then it's obviously something that mankind is naturally drawn to.
But how can anyone believe something because it makes them feel better? That's not believing, that's deluding. If I tell myself that I'm going to survive this plane crash to make myself feel better about it, that isn't actually believing that I'm going to survive - that's keeping my mind off of reality. I still know I'm probably going to die. I don't believe in religion because it makes me feel good - it doesn't. I believe in it because it makes sense.