art and depression is something i can't match
i have placed emotions in the evolution systemsensors
so now i'm aware about life in this way translated as i think it is
i have no more problems with emotions or feelings
a lot of art or music can be therapeutic or helping with creative development in the brain
wich is ofcourse good for nerve development ans stuff
if stimulated from young age
and with the next example i want to make clear what influennce it can have on a individual
and experiment on mouses
mouse 1 has a lot of exercises to do stuff and find things
use of the mouse brain
and mouse 2 is locked up in a box has only food and water
then they investigate the brain of mouse 1
witch had developped nerve branches a lot of them
mouse 2 had no developped nerve branches
this was an experiment after the study of albert einsteins brain
it seemd that intelligent people have more developped nerve branches in the brain
this is a clear proof of the importands of creativity, play, exercises for the brain
to have more developped branches in your brain wich higher the intelligence of a person
so from art & depression to the mouse experiment and the developped brain nerves of einstein
your welcome