Originally Posted by hipster_bebop_junkie
I think greenlight mentioned before that he might be attending, so there's even potential that he tapes, and makes his recording available for all of us to enjoy. 
very true. everything's recorded in 24bit/48mhz. be sharing soon

nice acoustic set, which included poems read by Thurston (dont know if it was his or someone's else) in between songs. yeah, set was compiled from all of his major solo albums PH, TOTA and DT. interesting to see acoustic version of PH songs by the way. i think on his tour to TOTA he performed PH songs on electric guitars.
happy to score DT on vinyl and some Mirror/Dash cd from their merchant table. actually i had a nice chat to guy who were at the table selling finding out he is from Sunburned Hand Of The Man band. so suddenly 3rd. member of SHOTM "caught on the scene" travelling with Thurson, hehe. Paul or Phil is his name, sorry i think i forgot. nice guy. i've noticed later he swapped with SY's tour agent for Europe at the table, what's his name, Carl Von somthing...ehrmm sory, from Belgium, who was there as well and probably travels with them around Europe. bump into T in the venue. i was so tempted ask him about split up with Kim and whole situation in SY, but just did not have guts, respect his private life and probably it would not be appropriate question from a stranger like me, as it is still fresh news. but then. i forgot to ask everything else, like why he put down his blog and lots of different stuff, hehehe. so only said halo to him.
sorry, missed support band. Tall First. was it? were they any good?
yeah, some funny moments and comments. that god's vagina, then Moloney... irish blood/descendad of Moloney clan (he actually end up talking to mic [could not understand, wha he was talking about?] before first encore while T was still at the backstage and someone came to him hug him or smth...funny). Button Factory venue and Olympia venue (which is close by and they played there in 90ties) confusion. was he for real or messing. i mean Olympia venue is bit, well..hehehe.