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Old 07.12.2006, 03:31 AM   #37
Vodka Goblin
little trouble girl
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Gundle Village
Posts: 82
Vodka Goblin kicks all y'all's assesVodka Goblin kicks all y'all's assesVodka Goblin kicks all y'all's assesVodka Goblin kicks all y'all's assesVodka Goblin kicks all y'all's assesVodka Goblin kicks all y'all's assesVodka Goblin kicks all y'all's assesVodka Goblin kicks all y'all's assesVodka Goblin kicks all y'all's assesVodka Goblin kicks all y'all's assesVodka Goblin kicks all y'all's asses
oh shits oh shits oh shits the goblins in a lot of fukkin trubble this tyme rite 'n' if yu just wayt i'm gonna eksplane why BUT LET ME SAY THAT RITE ITS DED UNFAIR BUT I'M GONNER HAV TO GO INTO THE HIDINS FOR A BIT SO IT MYTE BE LYKE A LONG FUKKIN TIMES BEFOR I'M BAK TELLIN YU ALL ABOUT MESELF wich is a shayme y'kno 'cos rite yu all ded cool [well mosts of yu ha ha}, aniway its time to tell yu abowt last nite befor i hav to go, becos we were causin so many trubbles arownd the Forest of Light that the elves desided to to bring in this speshal bunch of lyke top detektiv gnome police hoo arryved yesterday 'n' last night they had this seremony to 'welcum' them 'n' all 'n' lyke they had posh food 'n' posh drink 'N' HEY ALL THE STUF THAT THE GOBLINS CANNOT AFFORD BECOS THE ELVES 'N' THE DAFT FUKKIN GNOMES KEEP US SO POOR YEH so this made us lyke total angry so we decided to use the last hold scrol [hey luk at the top of this thred if y'havnt got a clue abowt thems} so we hid neer the ceremony rite 'n' just as they were abowt to lyke offishally start the meal to welcome these daft fukkin nobhead tip top gnomes, me mate jaffi red the scroll 'N' EVRYWON IN THE PLASE JUST FUKKIN FROZE, the way they do 'n' all yeh so this time we nevver held bak yeh WE JUST WENT FUKKIN MENTAL y'kno, we were smashin bottels over the heds of the frozen elves 'n' gnomes 'n' smeerin food all over them 'n' like we wrote all over the gnome detektivs faces like "HEY I'M JUST A BIG DAFT FUKKIN SLAVE TO THE ORRIBLE FUKKIN ELVES SO IF YU SEE ME THEM PLEESE KIK ME LYKE EXTRA HARD YEH" 'n' we just ruined evryfin that was ther it was lyke FUKKIN CLAS rite, anyway 'cos like loads of the elvs were ther, that ment that loads of the elves stoopid treehowses were empty, so we went 'N' WE SMASHED THEM ALL UP TO!!!! like all the stoopid threehowses fukkin genius that was clevver moves lyke y'kno ace stuf reely but the thing is rite that for sum reeson yeh the elves 'n' the gnomes are lyke reely propper angry this time rite i dunno why tho we just doowin wot needed doowins so its shits reely 'cos i'm at Dristilla the wizardesses place 'n' shes helpin us to escaype for a bit yeh that like me 'n' me mate jaffi 'n' me mate floggu 'n' me mate yokki so hey yeh this is the messages rite FIRST BE HATIN THE ELVES 'N' THE GNOMES 'N' SECOND IF THE DAFT FUKKIN DETEKTIVS TERN UP THEN DON'T TELL THEM WERE IVE GON 'N' THIRD IF Y'DONT MIND THEM HIT EM WIV A STIK OR SUMTHIN FOR ME hey thanks thats cool 'n' all yeh 'N' HEY FORTHLIES ITS SUMMER SO IF Y'SEE ANY LITTEL PUSSI CATS OWTSIDE THEN GIVE EM A BOWL OF WATER OR SUMTHIN COS THEY PROBLY THIRSTY 'N' HOT 'N' Y'GOTTA LUV THE PUSSI CATS YEH well thats it hoo knos wots gonna happen see yu all soon as i can yeh ha ha oh well fuk it i'm in the trubbles 'n' evryfin 'n' evryfin so 'n' it wos worth it eh.
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