Originally Posted by Genteel Death
By freely downloading almost every single album you own and formenting a ''put-down'' attitude when it comes to every other people's taste in music on an internet forum, for instance? Surely you must have witnessed this happening as a long time poster on here?
Ah yes, I see what you mean now and know who you mean. But I guess I always more interpreted that as bragging about musical knowledge rather than bragging about 10 terabytes of mp3s or whatever....
you know, here's my top 250 albums for 2011! Oh, and my top 100 Merzbow releases, etc.
Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Spotify streams music. And no need to act patronising, know-it-all.
I wasn't patronising. You were being cocky.
Spotify is just one possibility for streaming music... there's bandcamp, last.fm, soundcloud, thehypemachine, youtube, etc.