i think on many places the population expands and makes people go to otherplaces world wide
this is not the end for that movements of people
just go over/beyond the clichés of invasion politics
the people that live in a sertain place are the best and they deserve everthing and the others are the bad people
always looking for a difference while the dna sez we all come from africa
i don't know how else to have a fast way to teach
or call this phenomenon
stay free from these lifedestroying thoughts that create a basic for violence and hate
it is not the end for the movement of people
what i see as a solution is a balance to be voluntairly followed
to reduce the overpopulation
or else people will feel attackt in their world if they understand the message wrong
start to solve the world overpopulation
make no childeren
if you want childeren adopt childeren
i see no other way out and hopefully life is still enjoyable if you think of the foodchain that is heavely reduced