Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
wha??? i guess. that's just my opinion. go ride a skateboard for godsakes. you could've been born a fucking wasp. can they have awesome sex like us human?..........or dolphins for pleasure?
have you never ever thought about life after beeing a teenager?
have you have never thought about life when you grow older?
like what then to be
it is really a long time
so far my throught what i have seen of adults older people are
that they actually only wait to die
and that is also how i see life
you just wait till death comes
there is nothing
there is back that 1 planet where humans walk around
who did not much look further of
what about life when you grow older
i want to enjoy life if i'm going to live a long life
and i can't if many of the world population got the information wrong
that is no life
i have no time to spent on a confused mass of humans that only exist in bio- activity of their origin