09.24.2012, 02:59 PM
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: NYC
Posts: 4,055
There is no discussing this with the Apple fetishists. They want their device and they don't care how many people were degraded.
Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Fuck Apple, those assholes are about the greediest non-oil corporation there is. They make the most profits, approximately $400,000 per employee annually, while at the same time paying some of the relatively lowest wages, including folks selling thousands of dollars worth of Apple products and getting ZERO commission. Further, Apple sells these products for super-hyped prices and yet makes them in China for slave wages? Fuck that, and fuck them! I own a single iPod, I bought it several years ago, I use it constantly, but alas, I have many regrets 