You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to !@#$%! again.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to !@#$%! again.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to !@#$%! again.
Originally Posted by !@#$%!
yes, i was an insulting prick, but before i apologize for it (as i should) please UNDERSTAND why i lost my patience-- it has nothing to do with your "controversial" opinions (they aren't), it has everything to do with your refusal to understand your opposition. i didn't take your stubbornness as a personal insult against me, i simply lost any and all fucking patience with your refusal to think, you understand?
i'll just add, for cultural trivia (not that it matters), that i was educated by french priests who would tear your up mercilessly if you said something stupid in class. they didn't give anybody medals for 8th place. so you had to do your best or be killed, and i suppose that's my own bias, though i try to keep it in check (for the most part).
anyway, regardless, i'm sorry if i was disrespectful, but for fucks sakes, try not to abuse people's patience when they are trying to have a discussion with you, baptist. uncover your ears.
When you use
personally insulting and condescending attitude you are not having a discussion, keep that in mind please.
You grew up in an intellectually antagonistic environment and that is fine, but I grew up in a physically antagonistic environment, and daily I'm still in those hoods, and men don't talk to each other that way. You can't be condescending to folks in a personal way, you kept attacking me personally and that is where I lost my temper. You are ALWAYS free to attack my ideas, but please try your best to avoid making it a personal matter, and if you must, at least be a bit nicer about it, again, if you're going to use fighting words, expect a fight.
hanks for the apology, I SINCERELY and deeply appreciate that, and again, it is mutual.
Remember I'm like James Meredith, "I am at war with the system, not the people., and I'm still at war." The war is about saving people, not hurting them, so please don't try to hurt me to prove a point, even if just intellectually or emotionally.