we have nothing to do in this universe
that is the theory
if modern humans travel one day in the universe to explore the universe or live on other earth like planets
the universal theory of the animal will stay
ok we live in very modern days
this means?
we know today that over 3 billion years the sun is going to grow and burn planet earth
so over 3 billion years no more earth
what is the option for the animal homo sapian?
1. live 3 billion years on earth and then die out
2. try to travell in the universe and look for another earth like planet to live on
modern & simpel logical thinking
^^ with this example i want to say that the universal theory goes all the way into the future
this example is nothing more then adaptation of life
nature that don't adaptate or don't have the adaptation possibility dies simply out
look at the mamouths for example
realistic systems of nature