Originally Posted by gast30
the thing is religion doesn't make the woman any free'er

You've obviously never misbehaved or acted in any way disrespectful around a grandmother with that Old world religion
it wierdens the natural genepool how animals should reproduce their dna to create the best dna that wil have high survival chance for planet earths bio-habitat situations
Actually one of the evolutionary benefits of religion is careful selection in breeding and several sexual taboos which in the long arc protect gene-pools. The inbreeding of European royalty and nobility had shit to with religion.
then the homo sapian is not the smartest creation of nature
a naturally not so intelligent specie
Conversely there are some homo sapiens who are in fact perhaps the most short-sighted and indeed stupidest life-forms to be blessed to live. If God is simply the math behind natural selection and DNA chemistry then it is all the more evidence as to why human beings, stupid as we are, require some kind of transcendental assistance just even to survive ourselves let alone that big world of dangerously interacting variables and possible outcomes.