Thread: Wake up music
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Old 01.26.2013, 11:42 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by noisereductions
haha this i s one of the best posts I've read here.

But I hear you. "Sunday Mornign" sounds so good waking up after debauchery.

For soem reason I used to wake to Prince's "Let's Go Crazy" on weekdays. NO reason... but... it worked.

Hey, that's not a bad suggestion. In fact that sounds (oddly) perfect! I love Prince, but it would never occur to me to use a Prince song as an alarm in a million years

You know, if I did want to go "Wes Anderson," I might as well go all out and use "These Days." You know, just to fully embrace my inner "neo-Holden Caulfield" hipster cliche douchebag, because honestly- I love that song.

Wake up feeling all Luke Wilsoney n' shit.
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