Originally Posted by demonrail666
I did a brilliant thing today, I had a day in London as though I was a tourist. Took an open top bus tour around the West End (in the rain) with a load of Japanese people, visited Buckingham Palace, had lunch in a total tourist trap. I've lived in London all my life and never seen it through anything but a Londoner's eyes. It was great. I should've bought a Will and Kate mug, though.

If we had any authentic tourist spots in LA, I'd visit them. I used to haunt hollyweird and downtown off the metro when I had nothing to do, but that isn't really as touristy as say Fisherman's Warf in San Francisco or Times Square. Here somehow tourists seem only to go to Hollywood Blvd (I prefer Sunset or Melrose) and Venice Beach (which is actually as filled with local low-lifes as tourists). Nobody goes to Griffith Park or hikes in the Santa Monica mountains. Nobody checks out the missions, or old town Pasadena, or staggers through all the classic bungaloes and victorians that dot the east-LA hillsides. LA tourism is weird, because if you're an honest tourist you
have to be asking yourself, "Why the fuck am I here?"
In reality the best spots in LA are for locals