Originally Posted by kingcoffee
"When life shuts a door it opens a window". Presumably so you can jump out of it to end yr crappy life.
I couldn't really understand what you were saying, Disgruntled Youth, becasue yr whole thread was one long run on sentence. I got the basic gyst of it, but in the future, use punctuation.
What ever you say punctuation Nazi!!! What ever you say!!
Though I found you first comment funny.
Honestly I think about a a AK 47 as the mutha fuckin tool, how sweet it would be for a nice drive by. Where the fuck do I think I am 1980's South Central, I'm in Berea a Small & I meam small as a little penis town in the middle of KY ladies & Gents. I prefer the the rocket launcher in GTA 3, thank you!