Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I'd argue that yes, especially in the TMZ world, that the wealthy and elite people have hard team building sincere relationships with people.

Well Cobain drugged himself to dementia most of the time, and was basically consumed by his greed hungry wife, whose appetite would make kali yuga herself blush.
Hemmingway was legitimately being spied on by the FBI, so yeah.
And Van Gogh was nuts.
Anyway, these are the tiny minority of famous people, ie. prole type artists who got rich through their 'genius'. The majority of rich and elite people are NOT like this and DO NOT get their wealth this way. Their circumstances would make them substantially more likely to be able to make friends and have better social standing and mental health because of it.
When wealth drives people to insanity it is when someone who has been relatively poor suddenly encounters tremendous wealth by near fluke. This is so incredibly rare, but usually it ends in absolute destruction for the person involved.
What is the name of that primitive island which suddenly got insanely wealthy due to oil or something, and where all the inhabitants suddenly had thousands of pounds, and promptly destroyed themselves in obesity, reckless spending and drug and alcohol abuse?
It's in a book I have but I can't remember which one. Anyway - that same thing happened to Cobain.