you want me to quote you?
so you can, what, tell me what you really meant to say, or engage in more rhetorical flourishing and opinionating masquerading as fact? no thanks.
your specific lies are right there, in your post above. i already pointed one out. more are just sitting there, staring everyone right in the face. things you made up that did not actually happen, and which i already explained to you did not actually happen, which you ignored and just repeated. these were not opinions you heard from anywhere, these were things you just made up and claimed happened, which did not in fact oh-fucking-curr.
i really don't have to drag this out any longer explaining to you your own ridiculousness and cognitive closure. your mind has sealed itself shut around a few, bad, ideas and now you're just making shit up as you go along, using reality to fuel your own self aggrandizing narratives. its bullshit. i know on some level you know you're making shit up but i shouldnt have to hold your fucking hand. go read back those posts and burst into a rage at me over the worlds refusal to play along with your shit.
there are specific lies stated in your posts about these cases which you simply pulled out of your fucking ass, these aren't opinions or misinterpretations or assumptions based on reasonable deductions from possibly flawed evidence, these are simply things you said that happened which didnt because you use reality to fit your own self aggrandizing narrative which stinks to high fucking hell of your own farts you navel gazing grinning obliviously self satisfied wigger.