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Old 09.06.2013, 07:43 PM   #1
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SuchFriendsAreDangerous kicks all y'all's assesSuchFriendsAreDangerous kicks all y'all's assesSuchFriendsAreDangerous kicks all y'all's assesSuchFriendsAreDangerous kicks all y'all's assesSuchFriendsAreDangerous kicks all y'all's assesSuchFriendsAreDangerous kicks all y'all's assesSuchFriendsAreDangerous kicks all y'all's assesSuchFriendsAreDangerous kicks all y'all's assesSuchFriendsAreDangerous kicks all y'all's assesSuchFriendsAreDangerous kicks all y'all's assesSuchFriendsAreDangerous kicks all y'all's asses

David Brooks (noted conservative NY Times columnist and free-lance analyst) and former Congressman Mickey Short blew me away. I found myself obviously yelling at Ingrham and Ralph Reed embarrass themselves as if they were bad referees at an NFL football game!!! BUT


David really impressed me as usual. He countered the propaganda, exaggerations, and misinformation spewed by Ingrham and Reed with substance, intelligence, and above all else sincerity. THIS is why Brooks is the ONLY Republican, conservative commentator or writer that I listen, trust, and actually enjoy!! The guy is real deal. He is openly conservative, and yet optimistically realistic. His analysis is ALWAYS spot on, and he is never afraid to intelligently criticize the Republican talking points or bulwark of the mainstream GOP. The guy doesn't kowtow, he just speaks the real. And this debate was probably David Brooks at his best. It all the more demonstrates why I religiously watch Brooks every Friday (I'm talking for several years now) on PBS Newshour, read his columns and op-eds in NY Times and other syndicated papers/web sources, and always give a heartical AMEN when he speaks.

Mickey Edwards was the darling of the Reagan era, I really didn't think I'd agree with him so much. The guy was spot on too, sensitive, realistic, hopeful. GREAT DEBATE.

The extreme-o-philes on the right-shift only embarrassed themselves by how tone-deaf they were in this debate. However, their idiot comments served to offer Brooks and Edwards better opportunities to substantively address key issues such as centrist policies, honest "compassionate conservatism", the effective role of an energetic government even under the premise of limited government (it means limits not NO government, what makes me laugh is GOP always says LESS government, and yet their biggest issues are about MORE government enforcement of immigration laws, abortion, and international military operations, guys are the lamest of hypocrites!!)

YOU MUST WATCH THIS, PERIOD. You may suddenly and surprisingly find yourself totally agreeing with Republicans and conservatives. If you are a conservative, you may suddenly find yourself angry with Brooks or Edwards, which is a shame, these guys are the best of your politics, why spurn them?

Today Rap music is the Lakers
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