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Old 09.09.2013, 07:05 PM   #11
expwy. to yr skull
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as of 2008 the republican party has no longer been fit to even competently manage a modern state. it's not just the fact that i disagree with their bullshit, its the fact that they are simply too dangerous to be allowed into power. they lost you your credit rating, they nearly bankrupted the country with their economic illiteracy. that debt ceiling fiasco? those tea partiers are not fit to be in office. you got a lucky break that they weren't because your economic recovery, however tentative, would be fucking nothing if they had wreaked the full extent of their desired havoc.

but americans dont get this, because the media pitches it as "deadlock" in congress and the term "partisan" is used to describe anyone who doesnt say that ON EVERY ISSUE THE PROBLEM IS BOTH SIDES EQUALLY. sorry, its not. since 08 there have been adults and then there have been temper tantrum throwing conspiracy theorizing psychotics who are slowly destroying their own electoral base. the severe cognitive dissonance at what the right wing actually accomplished during the bush years - the fucking TANKING of the economy, mass murder, lost wars, the end of the empire. absolute fucking disaster on every front - is just too much for them to handle. they are terrified, resentful maniacs who can't face looking inwards and seeing the consequences of their stupidity.

ive paid attention to these people since 08. they started quite literally living in an alternate universe. one of their memes is that they, the true intellects, are fearless keepers of the dark truth and in contact with "reality". they love to say the left is composed of fantasists who refuse contact with reality. then they make blog posts claiming ambassador chris stevens was dragged out of that benghazi shelter still alived and sodomized and beaten to death by a crowd of muslims. then its another post about how hyper inflation is IMMINENT and the country wont last another year before martial law and chaos and rampaging on the streets. every year since 08 this has happened. "oh it wasnt 2010 but thats cos the jewnazicommie fed reptilians just printed more fake fiat currency dont worry just wait until 2011 its coming."

another of their specialities are attacks on paul krugman who says things they dont like about the economy. so they say krugman is just a "jew", or that he is autistic. for them, this is enough to plaster over the need for any kind of engagement with his arguments.

there are videos on youtube that i wont link to that show right wing conspiratards BLOWING their entire savings - we're talking tens of thousands of dollars here, betting on the imminent collapse of fiat currency and a rally on the gold market. there are web cam feeds of grown men sitting there on a monday morning watching the stock market open and LOSING EVERYTHING because they got caught in a self confirming loop of right wing insanity and thought it was all going to collapse and gold would make them millionaires. when gold collapsed their endless sneering at everyone else for the idiocy of using fiat currency suddenly stopped. there have been stories of men killing themselves and their families in a fit of psychotic rage cos they thought obama was about to destroy the economy.

their dipshitted internet world is really telling. sometimes they say things that are so unintentionally revealing and pathetic its unbelievable. these are people who when coming into contact with people who either dont agree with them or have different facts or expose their ignorance will whine about how leftists just think they are so much better and do everything for status. they really do go around with their minds shut around a specific set of self confirming biases.
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