Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
why pick on the Ol' Testament? why not the Quran? HUH????
Muhammad: "oh, i'm sorry. those tiny dick jews got it all wrong. here's wha that fuck Jehovah told me that was the truth": we're a bunch of nasty fuckhead desert rats who believe in smelling like ass and killing our own children". " take that Zeus, you bearded thunderbolt holding fuck".
"and btw, Jehovah is not even his real name". " we'll call him Allah, aka bastard". just for kicks.
how about that?
let those crazy desert fucks rot and their children and blame the Jews like always.
The Old Testament is a proxy for every single religious tome in existence.
They are all full of shit with tiny nuggets of wisdom that you have to sift through like looking for heroin balloons in feces. and those tiny nuggets of wisdom are seldom, if ever, the parts that believers choose to espouse.